Welcome to Rocks and Things, located in the mountains of North Carolina! Summer has arrived. It is a
time of phenominal growth. Flowers are blooming, trees blossoming, foliage is abundant everywhere. The birds and
insects are active.
In our physical store, you will find fossils, minerals, crystals and gemstones of all types and colors, in many forms and sizes. Our crystals are suitable for decorating your home or office,
for personal pleasure and for use as metaphysical healing tools. We have clusters, points, obelisks, eggs and balls, as well as jewelry - rings, earrings, necklaces and bracelets. Take your time and browse our online store and remember to include us in your travel plans to the mountains of western North Carolina.
We feature a wide array of Native American items, from dream catcher to war clubs, medicine bags to leather clothing, and simple children's jewelry to finely
made bone chokers. Additionally, we have a wonderful selection of decorative items for your home: painted skulls, spears,
furs, decorative pipes, wall hangings of various types, smudge bowls, fans and smudging items.
Is there something special you are looking for, but do not see? If so, please contact us via email, telephone or
personal visit and we will check our stock and provide you with information (including a picture if requested) as to the availability
of what you're looking for! Please sign our guest book or make your comments at our blog. Thanks for your input!
Click on any of the links shown to post comments about our site or to see our Powwow Schedule
for the future.
Mabel's Powwow Schedule
Web Store Comments

Rose Quartz with Amethyst Beads Pendant - Click here to see our Jewelry page! |