We have a large selection of Double Terminated
Points in various sizes and minerals, from clear to smoky quartz, weighing from 1/2 ounce to 5 pounds.
Double terminated crystals move energy ourward in either direction or in both directions at the same
time, they are multi-functional. These are excellent for astral projection, meditation and for dreaming.
They can also be used to assist in protection from harm, whether physical or mental, they can help to maintain a persons energy
Double Terminated Points
We have a large selection of Tabular Crystals
(Tabbies) in various sizes, from clear to smoky quartz, weighing from 1/4 ounce to 5 pounds.
Tabular Crystals work as file drawers and can be opened and closed with a brush of your fingernail.
They are used to promote connection and balance and to activate other minerals and crystals. In a working with
a crystal layout for chakra work, tabbies can be used to blend energies between two chakrasand to balance energies between
two people.
When you are leaving one stage of your life and apprehensive about taking the steps which will lead
you to a new phase tabular crystals can act as bridges. Keep a tabby with you, meditate with it, and remember to program
it for a smooth transition.
Tabular Points - "Tabbys"
We have a large selection of Phantom Crystals in various
sizes with various phantom minerals, weighing from 8 ounces to more than 5 pounds. The phantom crystal is
recognized by a "phantom" mineral within a crystal.
A phantom crystal symbolizes universal awareness. It is to be used for redemption and cleansing of the Earth and
brings humanity together to save this planet. It is an excellent source for initiation of healing, an excellent tool
for meditation and for assisting in connecting with higher realms of knowledge. It can also be used to reveal a person's
past lives.
"Phantom" Crystals
A stunning Rose Quartz cabochon that has been sterling
silver wrapped with Amethyst beads for accent. This beautiful piece can be worn
as a pendant or used for healing purposes.
We have a very nice selection of Crystal in Crystal
specimans in various sizes and minerals, weighing from 1/2 ounce to more than 5 pounds.
Crystals within Crystals
provide an indication of the experiences, and the transformations, which the crystal has encountered during its evolution.
The crystals have experienced numerous experiences of learning, and "being",
while continuing in the same physical configuration; this crystal represents the many phases and the many types of life, which
may be experienced during ones lifetime. The Crystal
in a Crystal symbolizes universal awareness. It is one of
the earth stones to be used for redemption and cleansing of the earth.
It is an excellent tool for meditation and for assisting one in connecting with the
higher realms of knowledge. It can also be used to access the records of ones
progression through past-lives.
Crystal in Crystal
A cut and polished 2-1/2” Quartz point, sterling
silver wrapped with green, yellow and purple gemstone beads with a 22” sterling chain. This can be worn as a beautiful
pendant or used as a pendulum or chakra wand for healing.
Chlorite is one of the most favorable healing stones, it's properties are overwhelmingly positive.
It is a purifier, enhances cooperation, attacks anger, hostility and exasperation. Chlorite can be used to protect against
psychic attacks. It is also healthful for the physical body, stimulating beneficial bacteria and eliminating toxins,
Chlorite has been reported to also work as an anesthetic.